Alexander Artem Sakharov    
Who Alexander Artem Sakharov is....
Political Scientist
Devoted Father and Husband

My aim

To create a significant body of written work summing up the totality of my life experience and constituting my literary legacy.

In a nutshell

I am a thinking person, considerably helped by my background and experience in expanding the size of my playground.


"The Book"

This book is a collection of my thoughts about subjects which interest me (philosophy, religion, economics, politics, history, etc.), comments on world events, reflections on my personal experiences, and other things. Altogether there are over 2,000 entries in it, which in most cases can be read independently from the others. The subjects vary quite significantly, so that most readers are sure to find many things of particular interest to them, using the list of sectional and individual titles as a guide to the subject matter. I also think that there will be a substantial interest in reading this book even among those who have no idea of who I am. In other words, its value does not depend on its author’s “celebrity status.”

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